Important IP Updates Covid-19 | 01.10.2020

Update depending on the information provided. Covers the jurisdictions where Inventa International operates.


Algeria - National Institute of Industrial Property is open but with limited service hours. More info.

Angola - The Angolan Patent and Trademark Office announced the resumption of its activities since April, 27, although with some operating restrictions. More info.

ARIPO (African Regional Intellectual Property Organization) -  Office operational but close to the public. Users are encouraged to use 24-hour online services to file applications and make online payments. More info.

Botswana -  Operational, since September 22.

Cape Verde - IGQPI open, since May 18.

Djibouti - PTO open with conditional services, until new information.

Egypt - Office operational but with constraints to the public. Users are encouraged to contact by email or telephone.

Ethiopia - Operational.

Ghana - Industrial Property Office has resumed its activity, however, any meetings are still suspended thus will be resumed accordingly.

Kenya - KIPI remains open, however, with essential services. Applicants are requested to file applications and other documents by email.

Lesotho - Until further notice, The Trademarks Registry and most other institutions in Lesotho are closed.

Liberia - PTO closed, until further notice.

Libya - PTO in partial operation, with reduced hours.

Madagascar - The Malagasy Industrial Property Office (OMAPI) has reopened to the public since June, 2 and the working hours were rescheduled from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm.

Mauritius - National Confinement extended until June, 01.

Morocco - Operational.

Nigeria -  Operational, but with a gradual easing of the lockdown in Lagos and Abuja until June, 29.

OAPI (African Organization of Intellectual Property) - All deadlines between May 1 and May 31 extended until July 15. OAPI working hours were rescheduled from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm. More info.

Kenya - Operational. IPO open from 9 am – 4 pm.

Sao Tome and Principe - National Confinement until May, 17.

South Africa - Patent and Trademarks Office open since May, 4.

Sudan -  Sudan Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) closed. Employees are working remotely. 

Tunisia - INNORPI resumed partial activity. Working hours were rescheduled from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm.

Zimbabwe - National lockdown extended indefinitely. The Intellectual Property Institute is closed to the public.


European Patent Office (EPO) -  Operational.

European Union Intellectual Property Institute (EUIPO) -  The Office is open and continues to receive and process trademark and design applications.

Portugal - Working remotely. All National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) services are only available online, until December 31, 2020.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - WIPO premises are closed to the public, but in full operation with remote working.


Macao - PTO in full operation.

East Timor - Publications in local newspaper without restrictions.

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