There is no registration that can protect your trademark on a global level. As such, it is important to register your trademark in the countries which you have targeted for expansion to ensure maximum protection in your points of export or commercial interest.
A patent is a right that grants you the exclusive use of an invention, whether it’s a product or a process, for a period of 20 years, preventing third parties from selling, distributing or using it commercially.
However, to be considered as a patent, the invention must be novel, i.e., it shouldn’t already exist on the market when it doesn’t form part of the state of the art; it must involve an inventive step not being obvious to a person skilled in the art; and it must have an industrial application.
A patent is an intangible asset, being a source of profit that can be sold or licensed.
If you do so before a provisional or definitive patent filing, it is likely that you won’t be able to patent your inventions since they will no longer be considered as a novelty.. Public disclosure may only occur after application.
If the domain is already registered, you can always attempt to buy it from the current owner via our Domain Acquisition, or you can reserve the domain so that we can try to acquire it once its validity period expires. However, if you prefer, or if you need to quickly complete the process, you can also consider alternative domain extensions, such as ".co", ".us", or ".biz", among others.
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