SME Fund: EUIPO adds new IP vouchers

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) made available new forms of support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in the European Union. The SME Fund call for proposals is supported by the European Commission and the EUIPO, taking the form of IP vouchers that will co-finance IP-related activities.

In addition to the previously available vouchers (1 and 2), the following are now eligible:


  • Voucher 1: Pre-diagnostic services for intellectual property (IP Scan): up to a maximum of €1,350.
  • Voucher 2: Protection of trademarks and designs or models in the EU (national, regional, and EU levels) and outside the EU: up to a maximum of €1,000.
  • Voucher 3: Patents (at the national and European level) | 75% refund of the fee amount, up to a maximum of €1,500.
  • Voucher 4: Protected plant varieties within the community | 50% refund of the fee amount, up to a maximum of €225.


Applications are open until December 8, however, the funds are limited.

For the year 2023, the estimated budget for this initiative is €25 million (for vouchers 1 and 2), €2 million (voucher 3), and €100,000 (voucher 4). Upon approval of the application, vouchers are issued, which can later be activated to request partial reimbursement of fees related to the selected modalities.

If you would like further clarification about SME Fund, guidance on the strategy to follow, or information on the intellectual property rights you can apply for, please contact us at

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