Patent watch 

Minimize infringements

Protect your patents

The surveillance of your patent is key to ensuring its value on the market. As such, our team is specialized in patent watch actions that prevent registrations of inventions identical or similar to yours that may be intended to bring about harmful or illegal acts, such as the infringement of the exclusive use granted by your rights.

Know why

Why watch my patents?

By maximizing the effectiveness of your inventions’ legal protection with the patent and utility model watch, infringements on your rights are reduced.

With constant monitoring, it is possible to ensure the primary objective of your rights: guaranteeing the monopoly on inventions. To this end, rights holders are informed about new filings for inventions whose technical characteristics could jeopardize the exclusive manufacture, sale, or importation faculties in each jurisdiction and, consequently, decrease the value of your inventions.

By identifying these potential problems as quickly as possible, you reduce the cost of solving industrial property issues with more complex procedures.

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How can we help you with patent watch?

Permanent Watch

After the registration of one of these forms of protection, we will always be alert to possible infringements. We notify you when third parties attempt to register patents or utility models with technical characteristics that are identical or similar to those of your registered inventions. We then proceed with an opposition strategy against the new application.

Advanced Technology

To identify cases of exclusivity infringement, we have advanced technological systems to watch new patents and utility models, regardless of the jurisdiction.


If illegal actions are identified, we define an appropriate strategy by contacting administrative authorities and by finding grounds for further action.


Our professionals master not only the procedures for monitoring the chosen form of protection, but also the specifics of the market and the outlining of the technical measures that can and should be taken.

Your questions

Our answers

The patent or utility model watch is a service provided by our team, in any jurisdiction, that allows the monitoring of inventions filed by third parties that have technical characteristics similar to yours.

After our notifications, we define the actions to be taken in order to combat and to prevent those infringements.

If a patent or utility model similar to yours is requested anywhere in the world without objection, it could be granted, creating potential conflicts.

These conflicts may decrease the value of your industrial property and even create infringements with more serious consequences if they are not identified promptly.

Carrying out a patent or utility model watch is important for owners who want to continue to ensure the value and protection of their assets, particularly if these innovations are extremely relevant to their business.

The patent watch is conducted through a latest-generation technological system, which analyses the patents and utility models filed in any jurisdiction.

As soon as an invention with technical characteristics similar to yours is detected, we undertake to notify you and to provide an adequate strategy to proceed with an appropriate response.

We have offices and partners around the world. Therefore, we ensure a patent and utility model watch service worldwide.

We present you with the results as soon as innovations similar to yours are detected. All information is shared through a software that our company makes available for this very purpose.

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