Changes to Burundi's Practice for renewal of Trademarks and Designs

Before the changes resulting from IP Law No. 1/13 of July 28, 2009, trademarks and industrial designs in Burundi were registered for an unlimited period of time.

After the promulgation of the current IP Law, the deadlines for trademarks and industrial designs were officially determined, in which trademarks shall be valid for a period of 10 years from the filing date, with the possibility of indefinite renewals for the same period of time and industrial designs shall be valid for 5 years from the filing date, with the possibility of two renewals of five years each.

The question was related to what would occur to the trademarks and industrial designs filed under the previous Law, specifically before July 28, 2009, namely if these would continue to be registered for an unlimited period of time. The question was answered by means of the issuance of an official communication by the Burundi’s PTO, where it was determined that all trademarks and industrial designs filed before the promulgation of the current IP Law, i.e., July 28, 2009 would have to be subject of renewal until July 28, 2019. As for designs, this means that from July 28, 2019, such rights shall be valid until 2024 and may be subject to two more renovations of 5 years each, expiring after this deadline.

 For further information regarding the current changes to Burundi’s practice for renewal of trademarks and designs, please contact us.

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