New extension for trademark renewals in Burundi

Before 2009, all Burundi’s trademarks were registered for an indefinite term period. However, following the entry into force of the new IP Law in Burundi, on 28th July 2009, all marks registered before the enactment of the law were set to be renewed by 28 th July 2019. The new law allowed a time extension for renewal of the marks falling under this situation until 28th January 2020 and has established a validity of 10 years for all trademarks.

Considering that some applicants failed to meet the deadlines for renewal of the trademarks filed before 28th July 2019, the Burundian Office of Copyright and Neighboring Rights, in a notice dated 27th February 2023 set a new deadline for renewal of these trademarks: 1st January 2025, being possible to pay a late renewal fee to have a grace period of six months.

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